Junior High Night
almost 2 years ago, Emily Murray
Junior High
#WeAreGRF The HS girls basketball team, Mr. Russell and coaching staff, would like to thank the community, parents, and students, for attending last nights basketball game vs. BHRA. It was a fun night for everyone and it was much appreciated.!
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF A nice surprise for our staff today! An anonymous thank you for the commitment to our young people. #theother95%
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Thomas
Georgetown Ridge Farm staff collaborating together to “Find New Energy for the New Year” to support our wellness and student wellness. Big thank you to the presenters today: 1. Life hacks to help with everyday tasks (Heather Tucker, Carle) 2. The power of words (Christine Leeb, Real Life Families) 3. How to establish healthy habits….how to break unhealthy habits (Michael Remole, Gateway Family Services)
almost 2 years ago, Trent Eisenbarth
Life hacks to help with everyday tasks (Heather Tucker, Carle)
How to establish healthy habits….how to break unhealthy habits (Michael Remole, Gateway Family Services)
Greeting and SEL event overview!
The power of words (Christine Leeb, Real Life Families)
REMINDER - Wednesday, February 1, 2023, is a scheduled 11:15 dismissal day for school improvement. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
FEBRUARY HS & MMJH LUNCH https://5il.co/1o2ur
almost 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
FEBRUARY HS & MMJH BREAKFAST https://5il.co/1o2tt
almost 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
REMINDER - Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 18, 2023 is a scheduled School Improvement Day. Student dismissal is 11:15.
almost 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
REMINDER There is no school on Monday, January 16, 2023 in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
almost 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
Please check out our December Newsletter. https://5il.co/1misz
almost 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
JANUARY MMJH AND HS LUNCH https://5il.co/1mgdq
almost 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
JANUARY MMJH AND HS BREAKFAST https://5il.co/1mgd8
almost 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
Make Plans to attend the Holiday Hub held both Wednesday, December 14th and Thursday, December 15th (free hot chocolate, cookies, hats/mittens, goodie bags, and gift wrapping service – you just bring the gifts) from 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm both nights at Georgetown - Ridge Farm High School. Also, the Food Market is fully stocked and will only be open from 2:30 to 5:30 on Wednesday (13th) and Thursday (14th) during the Holiday Hub. Stock up your pantries for the holiday break. Open to all Georgetown - Ridge Farm grade levels and their immediate families. The School Food Market will be closed on Friday and will not reopen until January 3, 2023 from 2-3. Please attend this free and fun event for our families and take home groceries and treats. If you are on Facebook, please use the Event Link to let us know you are coming.
about 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
Please join us for the Georgetown - Ridge Farm Holiday Hub Wednesday, December 14 and Thursday, December 15 from 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Located at Georgetown - Ridge Farm High School. FREE to all of our students and families in all grade levels. There will be a hot chocolate bar, gift wrapping, food pantry shopping, and cookie station throughout the event, as well as goodie bags, and door prizes. The event is sponsored by the Georgetown - Ridge Farm Parent Support Team. Please go to the Event Link on Facebook and let us know you are coming to help us with planning and quantities.
about 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
Every grade level in the Georgetown - Ridge Farm School District, is collecting non-perishable food items, December 5th through the 9th. Please help us in supporting this effort.
about 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
Please take a look at our November Newsletter https://5il.co/1lhej
about 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
about 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
about 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
Senior Citizen Luncheon on Friday December 9th. We invite all community Senior Citizens to attend. The reservation date has been extended to Monday, December 5th for any senior wishing to attend. Please call 662-6716.
about 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
Reminder! Tuesday, November 22, 2022 is a scheduled 1:40 dismissal day. Everyone enjoy your Thanksgiving break. School resumes on Monday, November 28, 2022.
about 2 years ago, Catherine Eads
early dismissal