#WeAreGRF There will be a football Parent meeting at 5:45 PM, at the football field, before the Powerade game on Friday. The reason for the meeting is for food planning for the football players. Thanks.
4 months ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF The Buffalo Athletic Booster Club will meet immediately following the Powerade game on Friday night. Please come to the meeting if you are interested in being a part of this organization. We will meet in the home football bleachers. See you then!
4 months ago, Kevin Thomas
Take a look!
4 months ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF First day for freshman tomorrow. Looking forward to bringing a new class into the high school.
4 months ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF GRHS doors will open at 7:10 AM on school days. See you soon!
4 months ago, Kevin Thomas
If your son or daughter is a freshman or athlete, you may take them to this opportunity. Please do so if you can!
4 months ago, Kevin Thomas
GRHS Guidance Announcements
4 months ago, Emily Murray
GRHS Update: Freshmen only will attend on 8/14. All students will attend on 8/15. Remember that school begins at 8:10 AM this year.
4 months ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF GRHS athletic practices begin on Monday, August 12. Football @ GRHS 4-6 PM Volleyball @ GRHS 8-9 AM and 4-7 PM Cross Country @ Chrisman HS 3:05-4:45 PM (Bus departs @ 2:50 PM) Soccer @ GRHS 4:30-6:30 PM Golf @ Chrisman HS 10:00-Noon (No transport until school begins) If your son/daughter is interested they should be there Monday! Let's have a great fall season!
5 months ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF We are proud!! Adriyanna Patterson of Georgetown, IL graduated with a M.B.A. in Management from Millikin University. Adriyanna was one of more than 270 graduates recognized during the 2024 Spring Commencement ceremonies at the Kirkland Fine Arts Center on May 19, 2024.
5 months ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF Buffalo basketball camp was a success last week. The campers received fundamental group work, along with individual instruction. The camp was led by Coach Zach Morgan and Coach Brad Russell.
5 months ago, Kevin Thomas
GRHS has personalized graduation steins that were found in storage. The names are as follows: Chad Edenburn/2008 Brandon O'Hair/2008 Marcus Haussy/2011 Heidi Jones/2012 Tracie Edwards/2012 Kendra Tucker/2012 Please call the HS if you are anyone listed. 217-662-6716 Go Buffaloes!
5 months ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF We are proud of you Justin!
6 months ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF There will be a player/parent Buffalo football meeting on July 9th, at 6:30 PM, in the HS cafeteria. See you there!
6 months ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF GRHS has approved a golf coop with Chrisman. There will be a short meeting on Tuesday, July 9th at 10am in the Chrisman High School cafeteria. If you are interested, please attend.
6 months ago, Kevin Thomas
Anyone interested in playing soccer for the Buffaloes should contact Coach Josh Odle. 217-260-6732 First summer contact day is 7/10 at 5:00 PM.
6 months ago, Kevin Thomas
Updated Honor Roll. Some names were missing from the previous post and we want to give these kiddos the recognition they deserve! Congrats to all!
7 months ago, Emily Murray
GRHS 2nd Semester Honor Roll
7 months ago, Emily Murray
Honor Roll
7 months ago, Kevin Thomas
#WeAreGRF GRHS students volunteered at Forest Glen recently. Our kids do great things!
7 months ago, Kevin Thomas