Being more organized/responsible helps a student…
Feel more capable and less stressed.
Create strong routines that help them feel safe and secure.
Work as a better team with their parent(s)/guardian(s), friends, classmates, teachers, administrators, etc.
Develop life skills for success!
Parenting Tips for helping a student be more responsible/organized…
If your student SEES something, they are more likely to REMEMBER it. Use checklists, sticky notes, school planners, phone reminders, or even an app (Remember the Milk is a free to-do list app for older students).
Keep it simple.
Work WITH your student–as a team–to develop a plan.
Show your student ways that you organize your own life or use the skill of responsibility.
For Junior High/High School students, ask:
What are your ideas to be more responsible/organized?
How can I support you on this goal?

Learning to complete Homework on their own helps a student…
Develop a sense of responsibility and self-discipline.
Build life skills for completing tasks and staying organized.
Keep up with their learning and improve their understanding of the material covered in class.
Improve their grades and opportunities for future success.
Parenting Tips for teaching your student to be complete their homework…
Have strong routines where homework is completed at a certain time and place. A Daily Checklist can be helpful.
Set firm boundaries that there is no free time–especially no TV, video games, phone usage, etc.—until homework (or checklist) is completed. Use “When/Then”: ”When your homework (checklist) is done, then you can have free time.”
Let them do their homework on their own. Encourage them to be good problem-solvers and figure out what to do and then you can help them if they need it.
Stay connected and have fun with your child. Homework is not more important that your relationship with them.

Anxiety is a common, yet complicated disorder in children and it can come out in a variety of ways, such as:
Anger and aggression
Trouble focusing
ADD/ADHD-like symptoms
Avoiding things like school and social events
Substance use
Parenting Tips for help a child with anxiety…
Show empathy. It’s important that our children know that we understand and that we are there to support them through any anxiety symptoms.
Empower them with tools. It’s also important that our children know that they can have POWER over their anxiety. Anxiety is something outside of who they are and they can take steps to have control over it (like deep breathing, exercising, being outside, eating healthy, saying positive affirmations, decreasing technology use, being less busy, etc.).
Spending time with your child—laughing, reading, talking, walking, playing, and having fun–can reduce their anxiety symptoms.
Have a strong routine for child’s day—including eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and spending time as a family. Checklists can be super helpful.
It’s OK to get outside help to discuss counseling or medication options—talk to your child’s pediatrician, school social worker or counselor, teacher, etc. to gain more information on how to support your child.

SStudents with ADD/ADHD or ADD/ADHD-like symptoms have brains that think and solve problem differently. Students with ADD/ADHD or ADD/ADHD-like symptoms tend to struggle with:
attention and focus
impulse control
making decisions and problem-solving
managing emotions
Students can learn to manage their ADD/ADHD or ADD/ADHD-like symptoms by…
using a checklist to help them stay focused
limiting screen time
exercising often (and being outside)
asking for help from teachers, parents, and counselors
being patient with themselves as they learn to understand their brain
Parenting Tips for supporting our child with ADD/ADHD or ADD/ADHD-like symptoms…
Educate Yourself: Learn as much as you can about ADHD—ADDitude is a great resource.
Establish a Routine: Create a daily schedule for structure and predictability.
Promote Healthy Habits: Encourage good sleep, healthy eating, and regular exercise.
Build a Support Team: Collaborate with teachers, counselors, and other parents to support your child. Explore medication options as needed.
Be Supportive: Always encourage your child and never give up on them. With your support, they can succeed.
Have Fun Together!

Assertive Communication Skills are critical for students so they learn to…
share their ideas and opinions respectfully.
listen openly to others’ ideas and opinions.
be willing to solve problems and work together to find solutions.
speak up when they need help.
value both their own needs and the needs of others.
Students can learn to become more assertive with the coaching and encouragement from their teachers, parent(s), and caregiver(s). Students who show more assertive communication skills tend to have…
healthier, more respectful relationships
better mental health
academic and career success
higher self-esteem
effective problem-solving skills and increased resilience
less aggression
Parenting Tips for guiding your student in being more assertive…
Model Assertive Communication—Respect both your own needs, ideas, and opinions, as well as those of others.
Do “Rewinds”—Encourage your student to respectfully try again if they didn’t succeed the first time.
Empower—Coach them on how to speak up for what they want instead of always giving in to what others want. There’s always a way to compromise.
Give them their Lines—If they aren’t sure what to say, guide them on what to say and how to say it
Build Empathy—Guide them in expressing empathy for the feelings of others. Consider volunteering in your community to build empathy skills and increase their understanding of others’ needs.

Healthy boundaries help a student…
Feel safe, secure, and loved.
Respect authority and learn to trust others.
Make choices that honor their health, safety, and character.
Work as a better team with their parent(s)/guardian(s), friends, classmates, teachers, administrators, etc.
Parenting Tips for setting healthy boundaries…
Set boundaries around your student’s health, safety, and character and let other things go.
Use boundaries to teach—“This is why this boundary is good for you.”
Use boundary-setters (see resource) to create less conflict.
For junior high/high school students—work as a team to create healthy boundaries that you ALL agree on.

Close, positive connections to a parent/guardian helps a student…
Feel safe, secure, loved, and valued.
Build more respect for their parent/guardian and be more willing to follow the parent/guardian’s boundaries.
Develop a healthier self-esteem and feel more capable to learn and try new things.
Work as a better team with parent(s)/guardian(s), friends, teachers, etc.
Parenting Tips for connecting with your student…
Spend time with your student one-on-one and as a family as often as possible.
Find what works for you and your family.
Make connecting a priority—put in on your calendar, set reminders on your phone, etc.

Learning to be honest helps a student…
Recognize that everyone makes mistakes.
Take responsibility for their mistakes and find ways to make things right.
Grow in becoming a person of integrity and someone that others can trust.
Work as a better team with their parent(s)/guardian(s), friends, classmates, teachers, administrators, etc.
Parenting Tips for helping a student be more honest…
Create a safe place for your student to make mistakes.
Stay calm and teach them what to do when they make a mistake (see the 4 A’s resource).
Talk about honesty together and share how you show honesty.
Thank your child anytime they show honesty.

Learning compassion helps a student…
Understand the needs of others.
Learn to show empathy to someone else’s feelings or situation.
Gain a better understand of themselves and their own needs.
Have healthier relationships.
Parenting Tips for teaching your student to have more compassion…
Show compassion towards others (including your student).
Give your student opportunities to serve others in their school or community.

Learning how to find courage helps a student…
Gain confidence to try new things.
Learn how to overcome challenges in life.
Parenting tips for teaching your student to be more courageous…
Give them positive quotes to say like “I think I can…I think I can.”
Let them know you believe in them, but you’re also there to support them: “I believe in you, but if you need my help, I’m here for you!”
Give them opportunities to try new things…fail…and try again.

Learning about justice helps a student…
Recognize the need for every human to have equal rights and to be respected.
Seek peace instead of conflict.
Work as a team with all people.
Understand their own needs and communicate them respectfully.
Find ways to serve others and make the world a better place for everyone.
Parenting tips for teaching your student about justice…
Find ways to serve others in the community together (be a voice for others who may be overlooked or ignored).
Brainstorm ideas with your student on how your family can make the world a better place.
Treat everyone with respect.
Solve any conflict with a peaceful discussion.
If your student feels something is unfair, listen to your student’s side and find a compromise you both agree on.

Learning about kindness helps a student…
Increase their awareness of their words and actions.
Recognize the power they have to end bullying by being kind instead.
Parenting Tips for teaching your student about kindness…
Model kindness and speak kindly to your student and to others.
Make kindness a family rule/expectation (and post it where your student can see it).
Talk about kindness and thank your student anytime they are kind.
If you or your student don’t do or say something kind the first time, do a “rewind” and try it again.

Learning about appreciation helps a student:
“See the good…say the good” about themselves and others.
View challenges in life as opportunities to learn.
Have a more positive outlook and growth mindset.
Parenting Tips for teaching your student about appreciation…
Show your student appreciation by thanking them for a job well done or for simply just being who they are!
“See the good…say the good” about yourself and others.
Use words of appreciation like “thank you”, “grateful”, “blessed”.

Learning about citizenship helps a student…
Gain a sense of belonging within their home, school, community, country, and even in the world.
Find purpose in serving others and making their world a better place.
Grow in integrity, respect, and teamwork.
Parenting Tips for teaching your student about good citizenship…
Model good citizenship by respecting yourself and others.
Provide opportunities for your student to serve others—starting at home and moving to the neighborhood, school, community, and country.
Teach what integrity truly means—doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

Learning to have Hope helps a student…
Develop a sense of optimism.
Build healthy coping strategies to get through hard times.
Understand that their positive attitude toward a situation or circumstance can give them power over it.
Parenting Tips for teaching your student to be hopeful…
Model hopefulness and share about a hard time that you got through.
Provide a safe place for your student to share their feelings and show them empathy.
Empower your student to see what an amazing problem-solver they are and that no problem is too big for them to find a solution to overcome it.

Learning to be confident helps a student…
Gain decision-making and problem-solving skills.
Develop a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
Build resilience and healthy coping skills to overcome challenges and hardships.
Parenting Tips for teaching your student to be confident…
Provide opportunities to try again and get things right.
Help your student build the skills they are good at and practice things they aren’t.
Guide your student in learning from their mistakes and empowering them with skills to make improvements for next time.

Anxiety can show up in a lot of ways in children: tantrums or moodiness, avoiding things, trouble focusing, trouble sleeping, defiance, constant worries/fears over their normal routine, etc. Not all behaviors are "bad behaviors"---they might be a signal that your child needs some support with anxiety.
No matter what kind of anxiety your child is experiencing, they need YOU to be on their side...be on their team. They need your support----empathy, comfort, and encouragement.
Your child needs to feel empowered. They need your guidance to find solutions so anxiety doesn't have so much power over their lives. Anxiety is not WHO they are. It is outside of themselves and they can learn to have power over it. Take time to teach them strategies that can help like---deep breathing (smell the flower...blow out the candle) or the 5-Senses Strategies (what do I see, hear, taste, smell, touch right now).
We cannot control our child's anxiety, but we can do things that can make it better---spend more time with them (have fun, laugh, read, play games, talk, etc.), create daily routines and checklists, limit technology use and sugar, and set an earlier bedtime.

Having a higher self-esteem helps a student…
Be more confident in their decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
Stay focused and accomplish their goals in life (including getting better grades in school).
Develop healthier relationships.
Improve their physical and mental health.
Parenting Tips for increasing your student’s self-esteem…
Encourage them daily on their strengths and their good character traits–“See the good…say the good.”
Guide them on coming up with a plan to overcome challenges.
Help them set goals for their life and stay focused on accomplishing their goals.
Spend quality time with them every day.
Talk positively about yourself.
Do self-esteem building activities as a family. (see below for examples)

Students with a higher Emotional Intelligence are able to…
understand their own emotions and their needs
respond to stress more effectively
understand the emotions of others
know how to respond to the emotions of others and show empathy
Students who can manage their own emotions effectively (especially the emotion of anger)…
experience less emotional outbursts (have more self-control)
can accomplish goals and bounce back from failure (resilient)
have healthier relationships
can solve problems as a team and find solutions
fewer conflicts
Parenting Tips for supporting our child’s emotional needs…
Be their Emotional Coach and help them identify their emotions.
Provide comfort and empathy when they are sad or disappointed.
Model staying calm and problem-solving in times of stress.
Take a “time-out” or do deep breathing when you’re angry.