What's TeacherEase?
TeacherEase is Georgetown-Ridge Farm's student information system. It is used to help manage student data, track grades, attendance, and help with communication.
Parents will be able to use TeacherEase to:
Better understand your child's academic progress and growth
View your child's report card at the end of each trimester
Email your child's teachers directly
View essential information such as:
Attendance record
News Feed announcements and recent events
Parent accounts are automatically created when they register their child(ren) using our online registration.
In a browser, navigate to the URL www.TeacherEase.com
TeacherEase will work on many browsers including Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.
The parent portal is mobile-friendly and can be accessed through the browser of your mobile device, or by downloading the iOS app in the Apple App Store or the android app in the Google Play Store.
Click on the login button on the top right of the screen
Enter your email address, which serves as your username, and your password
*If you do not know your password, use the "Forgot Password" link to send an automated email to your inbox with instructions for setting your password.
Setting Account Information
The first time you log into the site you will be prompted to verify your account information. This information can be accessed in the future by navigating to Miscellaneous (top menu bar) and selecting "Update Password/Profile" form the drop-down.
Navigating TeacherEase
Once you are logged in, you should see the "Parent Main" page. The quick links on the left will help you navigate the more common areas of the parent portal. All areas of the site are accessible from the menu items at the top of the page.
News Feed
Through the news feed you can immediately see announcements, assignments due, and recent events. The "this week" column on the right hand side displays assignments due during the current week.
Switching Between Students
If you have multiple students enrolled, you can switch between them by clicking on the silhouette in the upper-right of the main page. A drop-down will appear, from which you can choose your child.
Adjusting Your Communication Settings
From your TeacherEase main page go to Miscellaneous > Notification Settings. Mobile App users go to More > Notification Settings.
Use the sliders to select which notifications you want to receive.
Here, you can customize your communication preferences:
Can TeacherEase send me messages?
If you would prefer not to receive messages via TeacherEase, you can shut this feature off completely.
Note: This is not recommended. Emergency alerts will still come through.
Messages from Staff
Control how you receive messages from staff about your child(ren)
Email (this will come to the email address you use to log into TeacherEase)
App Notifications
Text Message
Voice Call
Announcements: School Closure
Automatic Notifications
TeacherEase can send automatic notifications for the following:
Grade Updates
Missing Work
New Assignments
Student Absence
Do Not Disturb
Set the hours that you don't want to be notified and all alerts will be delayed during those times.
Primary Language
Don't forget to save your changes!