Our Lady Buffs Softball Team has a home game tonight vs Salt Fork with the first pitch at 4:30pm. Good luck ladies!
Mark your calendars! 📅🖊
🌭Lunch on the Lawn will be on May 23rd and May 24th.
Please choose one day to eat lunch with your child(ren).
Try to avoid going to Subway and McDonalds on these days as parents experienced extreme delays last year and missed the lunch periods.
📖There will also be a Paper Pie Book Fair in the Library on these days to kick off our Summer Reading Bash!📕📙📒📗📘
Here is the schedule of weekly events at GRHS for April 29th-May 4th.
Good times at GRHS Prom! Royalty is in the house.
Surprise birthday party for long time educator, Steve Sliva! He turns 70 today! We appreciate his commitment.
Thank you to the GRF Men's Club for providing smash burgers today for staff! Tony Brooks, Alan Baldwin, and Mark Winland are pictured.
Congratulations to these winners at the talent contest! ALOT of talent! Way to go!
Thanks to Georgetown Emergency Services for putting on a quality "mock accident" for our students. I believe the message was heard by everyone. Karyn Shade, Kendall Roberts JJ Hall, George Carswell, and Anthony Dodson were part of the crew. Great job!
The shop crew did a great job on props for the dance! Looking great!
PROMiere is tomorrow April 27th at 3pm. Students need to be in the Cafeteria by 2:45pm and enter through the cafeteria door. If you are planning to come watch PROMiere you MUST enter through the gym doors.
GRFC Boys Track competes at St. Joe tonight. Field events start at 4:30pm Good luck boys! There is a $3 admission for students and a $4 admission for adults.
Our Buffs Baseball game at Watseka tonight has been postponed. It will be made up on Tuesday, April 30th
Our Lady Buffs Softball game at Watseka has been postponed. It will be made up on Tuesday, April 30th.
The GRF Board meeting is rescheduled for Monday, April 29, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
The Georgetown-Ridge Farm School District is rounding up Kindergarteners for the 2024-2025 school year. All Kindergarten aged children in the Georgetown-Ridge Farm Unit #4 School District who will be five years old before September 1, 2024 will be admitted to Kindergarten. Kindergarten Round-Up screening will be held at Pine Crest Elementary School May 6 - 10. Please call 217-662-6981 to schedule a time to bring your student for testing. Documents required to register your Kindergartener are as follows: • Current physical including a Diabetic screen and Lead screen • Immunization record • Certified Birth Certificate • 2 Proofs of Residency – Power bill, Water bill, Disposal bill, Rental agreement, Mortgage papers, Real Estate Tax bill, etc. School law requires that all Kindergarteners have the following: a PHYSICAL exam – including Lead screen and Diabetic screen, a DENTAL exam, and an EYE exam. Make appointments now. A health card will be given to parents for the doctor to complete. Students will not be able to attend school until we have a birth certificate on file and all medical and immunization requirements are complete. At the screening, your child will go with different staff members to be screened for abilities, skills, and speech. Parents will complete additional paperwork while waiting. If you have questions, call 217-662-6981.
Mrs. Fourez's class did a directed draw for Earth day! She decided to make it a contest for the best drawing. The whole class got to vote on their favorite and she also posted it on social media for people to vote. She received over 100 votes and was able to pick 5 winners!
Congrats Ethan, Lennon, Willow, Brody, and Zaylen!
She would also like to give a shoutout to Emmett for his hard work on his math test. He is the only student who got every question right!
Students in Mrs. Crowl's class are "Eggs-perts" after having 18 chicks hatch!
Mark your calendars for the 2024 Summer Bash sponsored by the District Parent Support Team (PST) and Project Success. The event will be held on Thursday, May 30, 2024, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.. This event is to celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer. All GRF families are invited to attend the Summer Bash. More details to come...
Investigative Puzzles students with the puzzle they finished in 9 school days. On to the next one!
Our Buffs Baseball Team travels to Tilton tonight for a game against Schlarman with the first pitch at 4:30pm. Good luck boys!